貓咪目前基因與縮寫一覽 (翻譯自Eurocatfancy: dominance of genes)
Source: Eurocatfancy (點選連至原網頁)
abbreviation 縮寫 |
meaning 意思 |
dominance 顯現方式 |
possible combinations 可能的基因組合 |
phenotype 表現型 |
A |
Agouti (虎斑刺鼠基因) |
dominant (顯性) |
A A A a |
coat colour with tabby pattern (有虎斑花紋的披毛) |
a |
non-agouti (非虎斑刺鼠基因) |
recessive (隱性) |
a a |
coat colour without tabby pattern (無虎斑花紋的披毛) |
B |
Black 黑色(毛色) |
dominant (顯性) |
B B B b B bl |
coat colour uniform black (毛色為標準黑) In Pointed cats (f.e. Colourpoints), Burmese, Siamese the colour is calledseal. (在重點色/端子色的貓上稱為海豹色,如伯曼貓、暹羅貓)
(在東方貓毛色中稱為黑檀色) |
b |
chocolate 巧克力色(毛色) |
recessive (隱性) |
b b b bl |
coat colour chocolate brown (毛色為巧克力棕色) In Orientals these cats are called Havanna. (東方貓則稱為哈瓦那色) |
bl |
cinnamon 肉桂色 (毛色) |
recessive (隱性) |
bl bl |
coat colour cinnamon (毛色為肉桂色) |
C |
full Colour (自體色) |
dominant (顯性) |
C C C cs C cb |
coat is full coloured, without points - no mask (非端子色之自體色貓咪,無面具紋) |
cb |
Burmese points (緬甸貓重點色) |
recessive (隱性) |
cb cb |
Burmese points - coat colour is seal brown (called sable). (重點色的披毛為海豹棕色,又稱黑貂色) In lighter colours the points can be seen better, the points are of the same colour as the coat colour but slightly darker. (在淺色的披毛上會比較明顯,重點色部分的毛色與披毛色相同,只是略深一點) |
cb cs |
Tonkinese points (東尼奇貓重點色) |
cs |
Siamese points (暹羅貓重點色) |
recessive (隱性) |
cs cs |
coat colour with points: (披毛+重點色端)
ca |
blue eyed Albino (藍眼白子) |
recessive (隱性) |
white coat with pale blue eye colour (白色的披毛配上淺灰藍色的眼睛) Don't mix it up with white, which is caused by gene W. (與一般白化貓基因W不同) |
c |
Albino (白化/白子) |
recessive (隱性) |
white coat (全白的披毛)
Eye colour has no pigmentation (is pink) (眼睛無色素沉澱,是粉紅色的) |
Cu |
Curled ears (捲耳) |
dominant (顯性) |
Cu Cu Cu cu |
ears are curled (捲起的耳朵) Well known is the American Curl. (最有名的貓種為美國捲耳貓) |
cu |
straight ears (直耳) |
recessive (隱性) |
cu cu |
ears are straight (直立的耳朵) |
D |
Dense - non diluted (非稀釋色) |
dominant (顯性) |
D D D d |
non-diluted coat colours: (非稀釋色為)
d |
diluted (稀釋色) |
recessive (隱性) |
d d | diluted coat colour: (稀釋色為)
Dm | Dilute modifier (稀釋修改基因) |
dominant (顯性) |
Dm Dm Dm dm |
The dilute modifier works on diluted colours: (稀釋修改基因能進一步的修改稀釋色的毛色)
dm |
no dilute modifier (非稀釋修改基因) |
recessive (隱性) |
dm dm |
This gene is present in non-diluted colours, as in black, chocolate, cinnamon and red. (顯現為非稀釋的毛色。) |
Fd |
Folded ears (折耳) |
dominant (顯性) |
Fd Fd Fd fd |
ears are folded (像下垂折的耳朵) Well known is the Scottish Fold. (以蘇格蘭摺耳貓最出名) |
fd |
straight ears (直耳) |
recessive (隱性) |
fd fd |
straight ears (直立耳) |
Hr |
normal coat (一般披毛) |
dominant (顯性) |
Hr Hr Hr hr |
The whole cat is coverd with coat of normal density. (整隻貓皆覆有濃密的毛髮) |
hr |
hairless (無毛基因) |
recessive (隱性) |
hr hr |
almost no hairs (幾乎無毛) Well known is the Sphynx. (以史芬克斯貓最出名) |
I |
Inhibitor (銀化/抑制基因) |
dominant (顯性) |
I I I i |
supresses pigmentation of the hairs, colour only partly present on the hair shaft, coat with silver white ground (抑制毛髮的色素沉澱,毛色僅毛尖處顯現,並有銀白色的底色。 |
i |
non silver (非銀化) |
recessive (隱性) |
i i |
coat colour without silver (不帶銀的毛色) |
L |
shorthair (短毛) |
dominant (顯性) |
L L L l |
short coat (短毛貓) |
l |
longhair (長毛) |
recessive (隱性) |
l l |
long coat (長毛貓) |
M |
Manx (無尾或半長尾) |
dominant (顯性) |
M M M m |
no tail or shortened tail, (無尾或短尾,但若小貓為純合子MM,會死產。) All Manx cats are therefore heterozygous. (所以有所有曼島短尾貓皆為異合子Mm) |
m |
normal tail (正常尾巴) |
recessive (隱性) |
m m |
normal length of tail (正常的尾巴) |
Mc |
mackerel tabby (Tigre) (鯖魚虎斑) |
dominant over blotched tabby (顯性時為鯖魚虎斑) |
Mc Mc Mc mc |
The coat shows a mackerel pattern (stripes). (披毛展現出鯖魚虎斑的花紋) This is the normal wild form of the tabby pattern. (這是一般家貓最普遍的原生條紋。) |
mc |
tabby blotched (古典虎斑) |
recessive (隱性時為古典虎斑) |
mc mc |
The coat shows a tabby blotched pattern (classic tabby). (披毛展現出古典虎斑的花紋) Also this is the normal wild form of the tabby pattern. (亦是一種家貓的原生花紋) |
O |
Orange (橘色的毛色) |
dominant (顯性) Note: (備註:橘色O基因為性聯染色體相關的基因,且有共顯性。) |
O O | Those cats are red females. |
O Y |
Those cats are red males. (橘色的公貓) |
O o |
Those cats are females with a tortie shell coat, the coat colour is patched with red/cream patches. (為玳瑁母貓,披毛上有部分的橘色與部分的黑色共顯。) |
o |
non-orange (非橘色,則為黑色系列) |
recessive (隱性) |
o o |
Females with non-orange coat colour. (沒有橘色的母貓→oo) |
o Y |
Males with non-orange coat colour. (沒有橘色的公貓→oY) |
R |
straight hairs (直毛) |
dominant (顯性) |
R R R r |
straight hairs, i.e. the hair is not wavy or curled. (普通直毛) |
r |
Cornish Rex coat (康沃爾雷克斯捲毛) |
recessive (隱性) |
r r |
The coat is wavy or curled, as known in the coat structure of the Cornish Rex, Cornish don't have guard hairs. (披毛呈現波浪型或捲毛,如同康沃爾雷克斯貓的披毛,且無底毛。) |
Re |
straight hairs (直毛) |
dominant (顯性) |
Re Re Re re |
straight hairs, i.e. the hair is not wavy or curled. (普通直毛) |
re |
Devon Rex hair (德文雷克斯捲毛) |
recessive (隱性) |
re re |
The coat is wavy or curled, as seen in the coat structure of the Devon Rex; the Devon has guard hairs. (披毛呈現波浪型或捲毛,如同德文雷克斯貓的披毛,有底毛。) |
Ro |
straight hairs (直毛) |
dominant (顯性) |
Ro Ro Ro ro |
straight hairs, i.e. the hair is not wavy or curled (普通直毛) |
ro |
Oregon Rex hair (俄勒岡雷克斯捲毛) |
recessive (隱性) |
ro ro |
The coat is wavy or curled. (披毛呈現波浪型或捲毛) When matings between Oregon Rex and Cornish Rex or Devon Rex had been made there had been some kittens with straight hairs. The breed seems to be no longer a viable breed. (由於與德文雷克斯、康沃爾雷克斯相互配對時,在一胎小貓中仍有直毛毛的小貓出現,目前不在被視為可行的品種。) |
S |
Piebald spotting (白斑紋基因) |
dominant (顯性) Note: (這基因被認為是不完全的顯性基因,正常的比例從3:1 顯:隱,被更改為1:2:1→高白:雙色:純色) |
S S |
Van (高白紋/梵紋: 貓身只有尾巴與些微的頭部部分有花紋,有時身上會有零碎的斑點與花紋。) Note: |
S s |
Harlekin, Bicolour White colour can be mostly found on the belly, on the head, on the legs, the rest of the coat is coloured. (雙色:白斑能在腹部、頭部與腿上輕易被找到,而其餘的部分還是保有原來的顏色。) |
s |
non-bicolour (純色或純虎斑) |
recessive (隱性) |
s s |
The coat colour is without any white. (無任何白斑) |
Se |
Selkirk rexing (塞爾柯克雷克斯捲毛) 又稱羊毛貓。 |
dominant (顯性) |
Se Se Se se |
The coat is wavy and soft to touch. In the homozygous the coat is finer, more curled and sparse. (披毛呈現波浪型,且有柔軟的觸感,同合子SeSe的貓的毛是比較捲比較理想的。) |
se |
non-Selkirk (直毛) |
recessive (隱性) |
se se |
No rexing (no wavy coat). (普通直毛) |
Ta |
ticked (漸層虎斑) |
dominant (顯性) The gene can be present in the mackerel tabby and in the tabby blotched. (這個基因凌駕在古典紋與鯖魚文身上,所以有Mc或mc基因不影響該基因的展現。) |
Ta Ta |
Well known are the Abyssinian and Somali. (索馬利貓與阿比西尼亞貓的毛色) |
Ta ta | faint and fine stripes on the legs, in the face and on the tail.
Well known is the Oriental ticked tabby. (臉部、腿部與尾巴上有隱隱約約的條紋,以東方貓裡的漸層虎斑最出名。) |
ta |
non-ticked (非漸層虎斑) |
recessive (隱性、呈現古典紋或鯖魚紋) |
ta ta |
Coat colour is without ticking. (非漸層虎斑色系) |
W |
dominant White (致白基因) |
dominant (顯性) Note: (W基因,又稱為擬態基因,他會覆蓋掉所有其餘的顏色與花紋,並讓整隻貓顯現為純白色。) |
W W W w |
The whole coat is white. (披毛為白色) The eye colour can be (眼睛的顏色可以為:
In Orientals these cats are called Foreign White. (在東方貓中,這些白貓被稱為外國白。) |
w |
non white (非白貓) |
recessive (隱性) |
w w |
the coat is coloured with no white (一般非全白的貓) |
Wb |
Wide band (寬色帶基因) |
dominant (顯性) |
Wb Wb Wb wb |
This gene is said to change the normal tabby to a golden tabby, it is said to widen the agouti bands of the hair. The gene also tends to blur the tabby pattern - referred as golden shaded or golden shells. (據稱,這個基因能使一般的虎斑金色化,該基因能使虎斑花紋帶被寬化,並模糊原有的虎斑花紋,即一般被稱為金銀化虎斑與金色金吉拉虎斑。) Note: 備註:目前還無法完全證明這個基因的存在。 |
wb |
no wide band (非寬色帶基因) |
recessive (隱性) |
wb wb |
If this combination is present the agouti bands are of normal width - referred as silver tabbies, chinchillas and silver shaded. (呈現一般刺鼠基因虎斑的正常寬度,即一般的銀化虎斑、陰影虎斑、與金吉拉虎斑 [shell] ) |
Wh |
Wire hair (硬毛/鋼毛) |
dominant (顯性) |
Wh Wh Wh wh |
The coat is extremly crinkled, the coat texture is rough and coarse. (披毛呈現非常皺的狀況,而摸起來非常粗糙。) Well known is the American Wirehair. (以美國硬毛/鋼毛貓最出名) |
wh |
straight hairs (一般直毛) |
recessive (隱性) |
wh wh |
The hair is straight, not crinkled with normal texture. (一般直毛的披毛) |