鑒於基礎註冊(FOUNDATION REGISTRATION)在國內一直都是一直有人在講,但很少人知道實際運作的機制,
在空閒時期翻譯了以下這篇文章,摘錄自TICA Great Lake區域官網中的實用資訊(Useful Info) ,以下皆用第一人稱翻譯,原文內容與版權皆屬於原作者。
網址: http://www.ticagreatlakes.com/useful_info.htm
在文末附上我的mentor,Cristy Bird女士當初為我解釋基礎註冊的信件,希望能讓大家有個明確的概念。
FOUNDATION REGISTRATION - What is it, and how does it work?
(基礎註冊- 什麼是基礎註冊,它有效嗎?)
There are times when you may have issues getting a cat or kitten registered through the normal processes in TICA. A breeder dies before getting you the paperwork, someone stops returning phone calls, etc. I have heard many reasons during my time as Great Lakes Regional Director.
(有些時候,你可能在無法透過正常管道取得貓咪的登錄證,也許繁殖者在申請單前意外去世、有些人不再回應你的電話,諸如此類的狀況,在擔任Great lake區域總監的這段時間,我聽過很多不同的理由。)
TICA does have a process for getting these cats registered in what is called the Foundation Registry. The Foundation Registry Application is a form that three Allbreed judges need to sign that states that the cat or kitten sufficiently meets that standard as a breeding cat.
Here is the process you would need to go through in order to try and "Foundation Register" a kitten or cat. Please keep in mind that in most breeds, the kitten itself, nor any of the offspring would be considered SBT Pedigreed until the 4th generation, and therefore could not be sold as SBT Pedigreed cats, nor could they be shown.
1. Find a show that is somewhere that you are able to go to, using the TICA show calendar, located at www.TICA.org .
(1. 找一場你能參加的貓展,可以在TICA的貓展日曆中尋找離你最近的貓展活動。)
2. Make sure that at least 3 Allbreed judges will be judging the show.
(2. 請確保那場貓展有至少三位能夠做AB裁判的評審)
3. Print out this form: http://www.tica.org/members/forms/registration/foundation_individual_registration.pdf
(3. 印出這張表格)
4. RECOMMENDED STEP: E-mail the Allbreed judges before you even enter the show to see if they would be open to evaluating the cat. They have no obligation to look at nor sign off on the cat at the show, so checking ahead of time will save you time and money. Your Regional Director can help you locate a show that has 3 Allbreed judges judging.
(4. 建議步驟: 在貓展前請寫信給AB評審,詢問他們是否願意幫忙評估貓隻。他們並沒有義務一定要為參賽者評估貓,也沒有義務要幫飼主簽名。所以在貓展前請先確認,確保你不會浪費時間與金錢,你的區域總監可以幫你找出有三個AB評審的貓展。)
5. Enter the show you have selected. Your cat will be entered as Exhibition Only, but will be required to pay the same fees as any other cat in the show. (Most shows cost about $6 per ring, and have 10-12 rings, so the fees are generally around $60-$80 per show) You will likely also want to purchase an extra 1/2 cage, so you cat will have room to relax. This generally costs around $25.
(5. 參加你所選擇的貓展,你的貓將以”純展示”的身分參賽 [註:在台灣又被稱為準登錄組],費用與一般成貓/幼貓/絕育組相同。)
6. Come to the show EARLY, with the cat, and set up your cage. (Check in generally starts at 7:30 am at most shows)
(6. 提早到達會場,安頓好你的比賽休息籠與參賽貓)
7. Introduce yourself to the judges that have agreed to evaluate the cat, and ask them to let you know when the best time is for them to evaluate him. He will not be on the regular judging schedule. Some may do it before the show, at lunch, or after they have finished judging for the day.
(7. 向之前答應幫忙評估的評審介紹自己,並詢問評審能夠協助評估貓隻的時間,評估貓隻的時間不會在正規的賽程上,有些評審會在賽前評估、有些在午休時間評估或是在比賽結束後評估。)
8. If you get the required 3 signatures, follow the instructions on the form you have printed out.
Please keep in mind that this is NOT an easy process. And it is NOT a guarantee that your cat will get the required signatures to be Foundation Registered.
You will have to explain the story behind having no registration papers over and over, and a lot of judges will not sign off on the kitten based on liability, in case the cat was not meant to be bred. Believe it or not, many people try this process when they buy a kitten as a pet with a spay or neuter agreement, then try to bypass the breeder in order to get "cheap" breeding rights, so judges are leery.
Please contact your Regional Director if you require further assistance or guidance through this process.
(8. 如果你取得了三個簽名,請遵照你印出的表格上的步驟進行。)
Hello Ru Xian,
Yes, it is possible to register a previously unregistered cat in any breed – any breed at all – if three allbreed judges are willing to sign this form:
However, judges do not have to sign the form. Most judges will refuse to sign the form unless there is an extremely good reason. First of all, if a cat’s pedigree is not known, there is no way to choose a good mate for the cat in the same breed. There is no way to know whether they are too closely related. There is no way to know if the cat may carry serious hidden genetic defects. And so on.
There are many other reasons why judges do not like to sign the form. But they will do so if there is a very good reason. Also, some judges will sign the form to help people in a country where the cat fancy is very new. They know that it can be difficult to obtain authentic pedigreed cats in some remote areas, for example.
Often breeders in other parts of the world will not have much respect for cats that are registered without an authentic pedigree. Therefore, it may not be helpful to start breeding with cats registered via the three judge process.
It does depend on the breed and the circumstances, however.
At any rate, when a cat is registered by having three judges sign the form, the cat will have a registration prefix that begins with “01T.” That means the cat is the first generation to be registered.
TICA assigns breeds to categories. There are old, established breeds that go in category 1. There are “native or natural breeds” that go in category 2. Mutation breeds go in category 3. Breeds that are the result of crossing two different breeds go in category 4. Breeds that have nondomestic ancestors – such as the Bengal – start out in category 5, but eventually move to category 1.
Each category has different registration and show rules. These rules are summarized in table 307 on page 27 of the Registration Rules:
If you look at table 307, you will see that the Maine Coon is in Category 1. You will also see that under category 1 it says “no unknowns.” That means that Maine Coons and other cats from category 1 breeds do not have full privileges when there are unknown cats in the pedigree within the most recent 3 generations.
And that means a 01T Maine Coon cannot be shown at TICA cat shows. It can be bred to other Maine Coons, and the kittens can be registered. But the cat and the cat’s kittens cannot be shown and do not have full status as a Maine Coon. The kittens produced by a 01T Maine Coon and another registered Maine Coon would be registered as 02T (second generation). If you then breed a 02T Maine Coon to a Maine Coon that is 02T, 03T, or SBT, the resulting kittens would be 03T.
And then you would still have to breed one more generation. You would have to breed a 03T Maine Coon to another 03T Maine Coon (or to an SBT Maine Coon) to produce kittens that are SBT Maine Coons.
In category 1, only SBT Maine Coons can be shown at TICA cat shows. Only SBT Maine Coons have full privileges in the breed.
The same would be true for all other category 1 breeds, such as the Siamese, the Bengal, and the Abyssinian.
That is important to understand. Even if a cat is registered via the three judge process, the cat may not be showable. In most breeds, a 01T cat can be bred, but cannot be shown.